Physical Education Teaching & Curriculum Strategies

The National Standards for Physical Education states the goal of physical education programs should be to produce students who have the "knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity." To be effective in teaching physical education, schools should carefully examine their teaching strategies and curriculum to best encourage students to maintain a healthy life-style.
  • Inclusive Activities
Physical Education courses should include every student in the school. Implement teaching strategies in physical education classes in which every student can participate. This may mean you must plan for differentiated instruction or lessons with different levels for students with different needs. Plan for activities for your physically challenged students that will make them feel useful and confident. Design your lessons so that most of the students are physically active the majority of the time. Take short breaks or do activities where students take turns in order not to tire them out too quickly. Physical Education should not entail school punishment or the students will never see value in the class. Require your students to respect others and not to put down those who do not excel in physical activities.
  • Real Applications
Tie in real-world applications wherever you can to promote awareness of physical education outside of school. Use teaching strategies that cause students to evaluate their choices away from school. Have students perform self-assessments of their daily activities. Students can monitor their overall physical activity on a chart to include in their assessments. Discuss the daily work-out regimen of your student's favorite sports, music, and movie stars to show how people must work hard to maintain their health. Emphasize healthy examples over popular examples because some industries promote unhealthy choices such as starving oneself or steroid use as being acceptable.
  • Meaningful Curriculum
A strong, meaningful curriculum will provide a variety of activities to develop gross motor skills in physical education class. Gross motor skills include command over major muscle groups, which can be provided by kicking or catching a ball. Curriculum strategies to consider are organization and assessment. Organize your units of study to cover all the national standards each year. Assess your students periodically to see if they understand the purpose of physical education, and to measure improvements in their motor skills and physical activity. To be most beneficial, be sure the curriculum stresses ways to improve social skills and focuses on cooperation instead of competition.


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